Data Science Portfolio of

Lee Yee Thong

Data analyst which looking into data science.

About me

I am graduated degree student on statistical background which looking into career of junior data analysis or junior data science.

The purpose of this data science portfolio is to show case on the project that I have been done before.

Avocado Price Analysis

This project is an analysis on Avocado Price data set which found in Kaggle. The project was trying to implement simple linear regression on the Avocado Price data to predict the price of Avocado.

The project involve:

Click here to acess to the source code

Amazon Fine Food Reviews Sentiment Analysis

This project is an sentiment analysis on Amazon Fine Food Reviews a large data set which found in Kaggle. The project trying to have an sentiment analysis on selected ProductId to have an overview on the sentiment score for the product reviews.

The project involve:

Here is the link of the project

Telco Churn Analysis

This project is done during Data Science Uncut Bootcamp 2.0. Which using a Telco demo data set to predict customers churn.

The project involve:

Click here to access to the coding

Dashboard Analysis of HR dataset

This project is done during Data Science Uncut Bootcamp 2.0. Which using a HR demo data set to create an dashboard via Google data studio. The dashboard was interative which can have an overview on the HR data set.

Click here to the dashboard

EDA on U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database

This project is an exploratory data analysis on U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database. Which use to analysis on what kinds of event are harmful to the population health and greatest economic consequences. The project was done by using R programming.

The project involve:

The link of the project was right here

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